Urologische Erkrankungen betreffen nicht nur Männer
> The spectrum of urology <
- Inflammations
- Cancers
- Urinary bladder voiding disorders
- Urinary outflow disorders
- Stones
- Sexual dysfunction
- Andrology (men's health)
- Venereal diseases, e.g.
- Cystitis
- Renal pelvic inflammation
- Prostatitis
- Urethritis
- Epididymitis
- Testicular inflammation
- Foreskin inflammation (posthitis)
- Inflammation of the glans (balanitis)
- Prostate cancer
Kidney cancer
Bladder cancer
Testicular cancer
Ureteral cancer
- Overactive bladder
Neurogenic bladder emptying disorder
- Renal pelvic outlet stenosis
- Ureteral stricture
- Benign prostate enlargement
- Urethral stenosis
- Kidney stones
- Bladder stones
- Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction)
- Lack of libido
- Premature ejaculation (Ejaculatio praecox)
- Delayed ejaculation (ejaculatio tarda)
- Pain
- Hormonal disorders (testosterone deficiency, hypogonadism, etc.)
- Penile diseases (induratio penis plastica / Peyronie's disease)
- Inability to procreate
- Chlamydia
- Gonococci
- Mycoplasma
- Ureaplasma
- Trichomonads
- Condylomata
- Herpes
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis
Many believe that urology also includes hemorrhoids and other diseases of the anus. However, this is not true. Proctologists are responsible for this.
Urologische Erkrankungen betreffen nicht nur Männer
> Das Spektrum der Urologie <
- Blasenentzündung
- Nierenbeckenentzündung
- Prostataentzündung
- Harnröhrenentzündung
- Nebenhodenentzündung
- Hodenentzündung
- Vorhautentzündung (Posthitis)
- Entzündung der Eichel (Balanitis)
Viele glauben, dass die Urologie auch Hämorrhoiden und sonstige Erkrankungen des Afters umfasst. Das stimmt jedoch nicht. Hierfür sind Proktologen zuständig.
What examinations does a urologist do?
> Before the examination is the anamnesis <
What urologists examine is largely no different from what other doctors do. The first step is a conversation to find out exactly what the health problems are. Then there is a physical examination, as with any doctor. Sometimes blood tests are also included.
The urine examination is usually more extensive than in other specialties. Since you will have to give urine to the urologist regularly, it is advisable to come with a full bladder. Urine contains many indications of diseases of the urinary tract. In particular, many things can be discovered in the urine sediment. To do this, some urine is spun in a centrifuge for several minutes and the sediment is examined under a microscope.
For example, the following can be seen:
- cells
- bacteria
- red blood cells
- white blood cells
- crystals
- urine from the kidney, so called cylinders
With special stains, filters and different magnifications it is possible to "read out" diseases from urine.
Ultrasound examinations are also part of urology. Here, the urologist not only assesses their appearance, but can also draw conclusions about inflammations, tumors or functional restrictions. Transrectal ultrasound can only be performed by a urologist. For this purpose, an ultrasound probe is inserted through the anus to the prostate, which provides very detailed images of the organ.
However, the urologist's most typical professional examination is cystoscopy of the bladder. This diagnostic procedure is only available in urology. A thin optical probe is inserted through the urethra into the bladder. The idea alone frightens many patients and is probably one of the reasons why men in particular shy away from going to the urologist. However, it must be said that not all patients need a cystoscopy. In my practice, there are about 2 cystoscopies for every 100 consultations. In addition, it is possible to arrange the procedure in such a way that it is easily tolerable.
For special questions about bladder function, there is urodynamics. If you want to find out why a bladder is not emptying properly, whether an enlarged prostate is a problem with urination, or why incontinence exists, urodynamics provides answers.
A fertility workup includes a mix of physical exam, ultrasound, blood tests and semen analysis.
Early detection and screening examinations also make up a large part of urology practice. In addition to cancer, the focus is also on prevention by identifying and eliminating threatening lifestyle-associated risk factors. Diseases from other specialties can also cause urogenital symptoms and must be kept in mind during diagnosis. These include:
- Diabetes
- Arteriosclerosis
- High blood pressure
- Parkinson's disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
Reasons for examination by a urologist
>. .. there are many! <
1. For early detection of diseases
This is mainly about the most common cancer in men in the western world: prostate carcinoma. From the age of 50 at the latest, every man should have thought about a preventive examination. As a rule, men do not like to go to the doctor and if they do, then only when they have complaints. Unfortunately, however, cancers do not present themselves until very late and often at an advanced stage, when the chances of recovery have already shrunk considerably. Here it would be wise for many to take the advice of their wife or partner and have a check-up. After all, women are used to having regular checkups from a young age.
2. In case of discomfort or changes in the urogenital area.
If you have discomfort or notice changes in the urogenital area. These may include:
- • Puzzling swelling or lumps
- Blood in the urine
- Potency problems
- Changes in urination or similar complaints
3. Sexual dysfunction
The classic here is male impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction in technical language. However, the range of sexual problems is much wider, because disorders can occur in all areas of the sexual response cycle. Problems with libido occur equally in women and men. Orgasm problems also exist in both sexes. Orgasm may come too quickly, be delayed, or may not occur at all. Pain is a problem that usually affects women, but can also occur in men after prostate cancer surgeries.
4. In case of unfulfilled desire to have children
Before artificial insemination is attempted, the male as well as the female side must be examined. Of particular interest is, of course, the sperm count, i.e. an assessment of semen quality.
Why does one want to become a urologist?
> Highly specialized and diverse <
Many factors play a role in the choice of specialty. Where did I particularly like it during my studies? Where were the doctors in training the nicest? Where are there currently vacancies at the desired location? How do I perceive the reputation of a specialty?
I am always asked, in disbelief, that urology must be the last specialty to choose.
But this perception has more to do with the tabooing of important bodily functions than with the specialty itself. In professional circles, urologists are considered gregarious and straightforward. Urologists have always been individualists and tinkerers, always looking for innovations and improvements. Or would you have known that cardiac catheterization was invented by a urologist? And have you ever heard of a band that sings about the colon? I haven't - but of a band that has kidney stones and the urologist's life in its program in addition to the prostate.
„We take the functions of the body for granted. The trouble starts when seemingly mundane functions suddenly stop working.“
Dr. Dr. Stefan Buntrock
What does a urologist do?
A urologist is responsible for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, ureters, urethra and male reproductive organs. Those who have never come into contact with urology often wonder: why urology? How does it work? What does he do? When do women go to the urologist? What does he do for women? etc.
These are sensitive topics that people generally don't like to talk about and are therefore usually fraught with fear. Few people know that urology is a surgical specialty and that all urologists spend many hours of their training at the operating table on their way to becoming specialists. However, by no means all urologists perform surgery, and by no means all patients require surgery. There are very different ways of specializing and gaining further qualifications.
When should a woman see a urologist?
Quite simply: for bladder infections, kidney stones, incontinence, constant urge to urinate, bladder pain and cancer of the urinary tract. Due to my focus on sexual medicine, disorders of sexual function and venereal diseases also fall within my spectrum of treatment.
Quite contrary to the common perception that urology is the antithesis of gynecology, i.e. a kind of "men's medicine", the specialty is organ- and not sex-related.
How long do I have to wait for an appointment?
You can easily make appointments online on my homepage or book them through my profile on Jameda. Of course, you can also call. However, please note that I am not always on the phone myself. However, you are welcome to leave a message on the answering machine and I will call you back the same day. The waiting time for an appointment is short and is only a few days.
Being a doctor means lifelong learning. For this purpose, there are advanced training courses that keep knowledge up to date. While continuing education refreshes old knowledge and brings in new knowledge, further education is specialized training in its own right. As a rule, continuing education takes several years and is conducted on a part-time basis. At the end there is the title of continuing education after passing the examination at a medical association.
One of my specialties is sexual medicine. There is an enormous gap in care in this field in Germany, because sexual dysfunctions are common and sexual physicians are rare. In particular, sexual problems start after cancer treatments, which was the starting point for my specialization. However, I would never have thought that sexuality is still such a taboo subject in a thoroughly sexualized world. Some patients tell me that the title "sexual medicine" on the practice sign has a downright deterrent effect on them. Others see only sexual medicine and cannot believe that I am a "normal" urologist. But specialization means what it means: namely, that someone is particularly well versed in a sub-specialty of his or her field. Specialization is an excellent opportunity to broaden one's own horizons and to link things together whose connections are often not obvious to outsiders at first glance.
This is also the case with sports medicine. I am often asked incredulously what urology has to do with sports medicine. Most of the people who ask are neither familiar with the content of sports medicine training nor with the influence of sports on the function of the urinary and genital organs. Many associate sports medicine with the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Broken bones are not primarily treated by urologists, that much is true. But the world of sports medicine is not just about broken bones, otherwise it would be called orthopedics and trauma surgery - and there are already residency programs for those.
Yes, definitely! Sometimes patients just expect too much and are then disappointed when their hopes are not fulfilled. Although we live in the 21st century, medicine does not know everything and medicine cannot do everything. But that does not mean that there is no development. The growth of knowledge in urology alone is doubling every few years and at an ever increasing rate. Nevertheless, there are certainly diseases that have not yet been discovered or that represent an as yet unsolved problem. Just think of the common cold. There are only remedies on the market that alleviate the symptoms, but none that quickly eliminates the disease. It is no different with some urological diseases.
In the first few years after I started my practice, I experienced many patients going from doctor to doctor with unclear complaints. As "the new guy" I was visited by some. Some I could actually help and discovered things that others had not seen before me. With others, however, I could not contribute anything.
When you come to my practice, you can be sure that I will try to help you to the best of my ability. I have a lot of professional experience, constantly educate myself and try to think outside the box. Unusual questions tend to spur me on and I often find myself sitting in the office late at night trying to solve a case. Nevertheless, I am not omniscient. In addition, the chemistry between patient and doctor is not right in all cases. This is purely human, and then I am simply not the right doctor for this person.
Spezialisierung bedeutet Vertiefung des Wissens
Arzt zu sein, bedeutet, lebenslang zu lernen. Hierfür gibt es Fortbildungen, die das Wissen auf tagesaktuellem Stand halten. Während Fortbildungen altes Wissen auffrischen und neues hinzubringen, sind Weiterbildungen Spezialausbildungen für sich. Eine Weiterbildung dauert in der Regel mehrere Jahre und läuft berufsbegleitend. Am Ende steht der Weiterbildungstitel nach bestandener Prüfung an einer Ärztekammer.
Eines meiner Spezialgebiete ist die Sexualmedizin. Hier besteht in Deutschland eine enorme Versorgungslücke, denn Sexualfunktionsstörungen sind häufig und Sexualmediziner rar. Insbesondere fangen Sexualprobleme nach Krebsbehandlungen an, was den Ausgangspunkt für meine Spezialisierung darstellte. Ich hätte dabei aber nie gedacht, dass Sexualität in einer durch und durch sexualisierten Welt immer noch ein so großes Tabuthema darstellt. Manche Patienten berichten mir, der Weiterbildungstitel Sexualmedizin auf dem Praxisschild wirke auf sie regelrecht abschreckend. Andere wiederum sehen nur die Sexualmedizin und können gar nicht fassen, dass ich ein „normaler“ Urologe sein soll. Dabei bedeutet Spezialgebiet das, was es bedeutet: nämlich, dass sich jemand in einem Teilgebiet seines Faches ganz besonders gut auskennt.
So verhält es sich auch mit der Sportmedizin. Ich werde häufig ungläubig gefragt, was denn Urologie mit Sportmedizin zu tun hätte. Den meisten Fragern sind dabei weder die Inhalte der sportmedizinischen Weiterbildung bekannt sind, noch der Einfluss von Sport auf die Funktion der Harn- und Geschlechtsorgane. Viele verbinden mit der Sportmedizin die Behandlung von Verletzungen des Bewegungsapparates. Aber die Welt der Sportmedizin besteht nicht nur aus Knochenbrüchen, sonst hieße es ja Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie – und dafür gibt es bereits Facharztweiterbildungen.
Das kann vorkommen. Manchmal erwarten Patienten einfach zu viel und sind dann enttäuscht, wenn sich ihre Hoffnungen nicht erfüllen. Obwohl wir im 21. Jahrhundert leben, weiß Medizin nicht alles und vermag Medizin auch nicht alles. Das soll aber nicht heißen, dass keine Entwicklung stattfindet. Der Wissenszuwachs allein in der Urologie verdoppelt sich alle paar Jahre und das immer schneller. Trotzdem gibt es mit Sicherheit Krankheiten, die noch gar nicht entdeckt sind oder die ein bislang ungelöstes Problem darstellen. Denken Sie doch einmal an den gewöhnlichen Schnupfen. Es gibt auf dem Markt nur Mittel, die die Symptome lindern, aber keines, das die schnell Erkrankung beseitigt. Das ist bei manchen urologischen Krankheiten nicht anders.
Ich habe in den ersten Jahren nach meiner Praxisgründung erlebt, dass viele Patienten mit unklaren Beschwerden von Arzt zu Arzt unterwegs sind. Als „der Neue“ wurde ich von einigen aufgesucht. Manchen konnte ich tatsächlich helfen und entdeckte Dinge, die andere vor mir nicht gesehen hatten. Bei anderen konnte ich aber auch nichts beitragen.
Wenn Sie in meine Praxis kommen, können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass ich nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen versuche, Ihnen zu helfen. Ich habe viel Berufserfahrung, bilde mich ständig fort und versuche, über den Tellerrand zu blicken. Ungewöhnliche Fragestellungen spornen mich eher an und oft sitze ich abends spät noch in der Praxis, um einen Fall zu lösen. Trotzdem bin ich nicht allwissend. Zudem passt die Chemie zwischen Patient und Arzt nicht in allen Fällen. So etwas ist rein menschlich, dann bin ich einfach nicht der richtige Arzt für diesen Menschen.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Ein Urologe ist zuständig für Krankheiten der Nieren, der Blase, der Prostata, der Harnleiter, der Harnröhre und der männlichen Geschlechtsorgane. Es sind sensible Themen, über die im Allgemeinen nicht gerne geredet wird und die daher meist angstbesetzt sind. Nur wenige wissen, dass die Urologie eine chirurgische Fachrichtung ist und alle Urologen auf dem Weg zum Facharzt viele Stunden ihrer Ausbildung am OP-Tisch verbracht haben. Doch längst nicht alle Urologen operieren und längst nicht alle Patientinnen und Patienten benötigen eine Operation.

Privatpraxis für Urologie & Sexualmedizin
Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock
In der Worth 16
37077 Göttingen
- modernstes Ultraschallgerät der Firma BK Medical mit Farbduplex und Elastographie
- ESWT-Gerät Dornier Aries II der neuesten Generation für die Behandlung von Potenzstörungen
- Neues Video-Zystoskopiegerät der Firma Olympus für die Blasenspiegelung
- Uroflow-Messgerät
- eigenes urologisches Labor
- die Praxisräume sind barrierefrei zugänglich, rollstuhlgerecht und verfügen über eine Behindertentoilette